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Overseas MCN Operation Director
Shenzhen Huanqiu Guoyu Technology Co., Ltd
Refresh at 7 months ago 1587 views

Job Responsibilities

1、负责收集目标地区网红、主播的市场信息,发掘、招募网红、主播 2、负责对接内容制作团队,协助为网红主播进行定位、包装 3、负责带领平台运营团队,运营tiktok账号,对运营数据负责 4、负责带领商务拓展商业合作 1. Be responsible for collecting market information of network celebrities and anchors in target regions, and exploring and recruiting network celebrities and anchors 2. Be responsible for interfacing with the content production team, and assist in positioning and packaging the webstar anchors 3. Lead the platform operation team, operate tiktok accounts, and be responsible for the operation data 4. Responsible for leading business to expand business cooperation

Job Requirements

1、精通书面和口头英语,拥有3年以上10人以上互联网团队管理经验 2、有1年以上海外MCN的实操经验,熟悉MCN业务模式和流程,了解tiktok的海外MCN规则、模式 3、有很好的职业素养,较强的抗压能力,对开拓海外MCN市场有极强的兴趣 1. Proficient in written and oral English, with more than 3 years of Internet team management experience of more than 10 people 2. More than 1 year of practical experience in overseas MCN, familiar with MCN business model and process, and understand tiktok's overseas MCN rules and models 3. Have good professional quality, strong anti pressure ability and strong interest in developing overseas MCN market

Required Languages


Job Details

Position type

Other marketing positions


3~5 years

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