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Singapore Sales Manager新加坡销售经理
Full-time25K - 30K RMB per monthSingapore - 新加坡
Refresh at 7 months ago 1293 views

Job Responsibilities

1、执行会员服务规范,为会员提供高质量的服务,搭建会员体系; 2、执行公司销售政策,完成销售任务; 3、随时了解会员需求,及时处理会员异议和投诉,提高会员满意度,建立长期、良好、稳固的会员关系,维护和开发客户群体; 4、收集、分析会员需求、意见及建议,为公司拟定年度销售计划、会员开发和维护计划、目标任务分解等提供数据支持、意见及建议; 5、按照会员手册和公司相关规定执行业务流程,准时提报表单,协助团队成员进行公司内部相关事务的沟通; 6、完成公司活动邀请、接待等支持服务工作。 1. Implement member service specifications, provide high-quality services for members, and build a membership system; 2. Implement the company's sales policies and complete sales tasks; 3. Keep abreast of members' needs, deal with members' objections and complaints in a timely manner, improve members' satisfaction, establish a long-term, good and stable membership relationship, and maintain and develop customer groups; 4. Collect and analyze members' needs, opinions and suggestions, and provide data support, opinions and suggestions for the company to formulate annual sales plans, member development and maintenance plans, target task breakdown, etc; 5. Implement the business process according to the member manual and the company's relevant regulations, submit the forms on time, and assist team members in communicating with the company's internal affairs; 6. Complete the company's activities invitation, reception and other support services.

Job Requirements

1、良好的统筹安排能力,抗压力良好; 2、形象气质佳,沟通能力强; 3、思维敏捷,亲和力好,应变能力强,具有团队合作精神; 4、从事过白酒行业,移民等高端产品服务优先。 1. Good overall arrangement ability, good stress resistance; 2. Good image and communication skills; 3. Quick thinking, good affinity, strong adaptability and team spirit; 4. Engaged in liquor industry, immigration and other high-end product services are preferred.

Required Languages


Job Details

Position type

Business manager


3~5 years

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