Chengdu Shijiabao Supply Chain Management Co.,Ltd
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Chengdu Shijiabao Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. is one professional graphite electrode supply Supplier in Sichuan, China. Our Associated factory is located in Yaan, Sichuan, very close to Chengdu, about 100 kilometres. We produce the graphite electrode of UHP(Ultra High Power), HP(High Power), RP(Regular Power), grade from 400 Millimetres to 700 Millimetres. All these graphite electrode are widely used in electric arc furnaces (EAF) and ladle furnaces (LF) for the melting of steel, yellow phosphorus, non-ferrous metals and some non-metallic minerals.Our graphite electrodes are made of high temperature resistant graphite conductive materials through raw material calcination, grinding, proportioning, kneading, molding, roasting, impregnation, graphitization and machining. 成都世家堡供应链管理有限公司(简称“成都世家堡”)2021年3月19日成立于四川省成都市青白江自贸区 注册资本:3000万元整。与加拿大CN GLOBAL INC.为关联公司(CN GLOBAL INC.2016年成立于加拿大多伦多),共同经营着汽车进出口国际贸易业务。两家公司均是成都冶金实验厂有限公司投资,自然人控股的民营企业。其母公司成都冶金实验厂有限公司是一家集生产销售的钢铁企业,投资金额45亿元人民币,年产钢200万吨,年营收过百亿。连续多年登上成都企业百强以及四川民营企业百强榜单。 目前具体经营范围如下:一是加拿大地区的汽车出口;二是美国地区的汽车出口;三是国内的平行车进口和二手车出口。 公司拥有专业的技术团队与业务队伍,国内外现有人员20余人,总资产超5000万,年营业额折合人民币超3.5亿元。具有海外人员的出口型公司;6年的汽车跨国贸易从业经验企业

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