Duckbill currently stands as the world's largest digital container drayage platform company, its main investors include Temasek Group(Singapore government investment arm), CICC group (the largest investment company in China) , and Shunwei Capital. 鸭嘴兽目前是全球最大的数字集装箱运输平台公司,其主要投资者包括淡马锡集团(新加坡政府投资部门)、中金集团(中国最大的投资公司)和顺为资本。 DUCKBILL DIGITAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT HO CHI MINH COMPANY LIMITED (DSCM HCM) has been established as its Vietnam headquarter in 2023. DSCM HCM is aiming to repeat success of Duckbill achieved in China and contribute to logistics industry in Vietnam via its edges on internet and AI technology. 鸭嘴兽数字供应链管理(胡志明)有限公司已于2023年成立,作为其越南总部,目标是结合在中国的成功经验,并通过其在互联网和人工智能技术方面的优势为越南的物流业做出贡献。为了实现上述目标,正在招聘以下当地人才。