杭州天达起源科技有限公司,注册资本金为100万元人民币,统一社会信用代码为91330102MAD2DX7919,企业地址: 浙江省杭州市上城区艮山东路180号天达大厦11楼。所属行业为电子商务,经营范围包含:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推一般项目:,信息技术咨询服务,人工智能公共服务台技术咨询服务,广告设计代理:互联网销售(除销售雷要许可的商品)文化创意软件开发,软件开发,软件销售,非居住房地产租赁,大数据服务数字文化创意内容应用服务,其他文化艺术经纪代理,网络技术服务,计算机系统服务,信息系统集成服务,租赁服务(不含许可类租赁服务),告发布,数字内容制作组织文化艺术交流活动,网络设备销售,虚拟现实服务(不含出版发行)数字文化创意技术装备销售,互联网数据服务设备制造,电形摄制服务;图文设计制作,专业设计服务,区块链技术相关数据处理和存储支持服务,软件和服务,日用口理非医用)销售,服装服饰批发,珠宝首饰批发,珠销器股安黑号联陶备博氏设精世预包装食总阳品银具的进、家宝首饰零售,(预包装)品具零配件销售,目用家电零售,家用电器销售,汽车装饰用品销售,五金品批发,五金产品零售,太阳能热利用装备销售,茶具销售,农副产品销售,文具用品批发,文具用品零售,办公用品销售,电器轴件销售,针纺织品及原料销售,针纺织品销售,日用百货销售(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)。许可项目:食品互联网销售,食品销售(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以审批结果为准)。 Hangzhou Tianda Origin Technology Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of RMB 1 million, has a unified social credit code of 91330102MAD2DX7919. The company is located at 11th Floor, Tianda Building, 180 Genshan East Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Its industry falls under electronic commerce. The scope of operations includes technical services, technical development, technical consulting, technical exchange, technology transfer, technical promotion, information technology consulting services, artificial intelligence public service platform technical consulting services, advertising design agency, Internet sales (excluding sales of goods requiring permits), cultural and creative software development, software sales, non-residential real estate leasing, big data services, digital cultural and creative content application services, other cultural and artistic agency services, network technology services, computer system services, information system integration services, leasing services (excluding licensed leasing services), announcement publication, digital content production, organization of cultural and artistic exchange activities, network equipment sales, virtual reality services (excluding publishing), sales of digital cultural and creative technology equipment, Internet data service equipment manufacturing, film production services, graphic design and production, professional design services, blockchain technology-related data processing and storage support services, software and services, sales of daily necessities (non-medical), wholesale of clothing and accessories, wholesale of jewelry, retail of jewelry, retail of household goods, pre-packaged food sales, import of silverware, retail of household appliances, sales of automotive decoration products, wholesale of hardware products, retail of hardware products, sales of solar thermal utilization equipment, sales of tea sets, sales of agricultural and sideline products, wholesale of stationery, retail of stationery, sales of office supplies, sales of electrical accessories, sales of textile products and raw materials, sales of textiles, and sales of general merchandise (excluding items that require approval by law, and business activities are conducted independently according to the business license). Additionally, the company has obtained licenses for online food sales and food sales (specific business operations are subject to approval by relevant departments).