Mechanist Games
ITPrivately HeldXiamen
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Using cutting edge technology to develop the products, Mechanist Games is a young Xiamen-based independent game developer and publisher established in April 2011, through joint-venture between Fuzhou JW Games and leading Venture Capital. After 5 years of experience in game development, Mechanist Games has a group of experienced veterans and young crew powered by professional innovation and passionate. Our international development team is made up of enthusiastic members from China, New Zealand, the United States, and other regions around the world. The team has been studying and using Unity 3D engine to develop games from the very beginning, there are difficulties, there is excitement, but what matters is, we grow as a team. We have an entertaining and dynamic work environment, learn new things daily, and have plenty of good laughs! As we are dedicated gamers ourselves, we want to develop games with integrity and hope that this passion manifests itself in the games we create. 梦加网络成立于2011年,秉承“精品化、全球化”发展战略,致力打造中国游戏全球化民族品牌。是一家面向海外、集研发与发行于一体的游戏公司。总部位于厦门,在成都设立分部,并在土耳其、俄罗斯、香港、新加坡等地设立子公司。从成立至今,梦加发展迅速,目前已经在全球组建了来自俄罗斯、新西兰、土耳其、美国、英国等十多个国家近400人的高级人才团队。 梦加网络近年来连续推出了《盗梦英雄》、《Game of sultans》、《Game of khans》等多部优秀作品,畅销80多个国家和地区,并在多个国家位列畅销榜Top1,连续三年入选中国手游厂商出海收入30强榜单。同时获得“国家文化出口重点企业”、“国家服务外包百强企业”、“国家规划布局内重点软件企业”、“国家高新技术企业”等资质荣誉。 #所获荣誉# ➢国家高新技术企业 ➢国家文化出口重点企业 ➢国家规划布局内重点软件企业 ➢中国数字服务暨服务外包领军百强企业 ➢技术先进型服务企业 ➢福建省重点上市后备企业 ➢福建省文化出口重点培育企业 ➢福建省科技小巨人领军企业 ➢厦门市科技小巨人领军企业 ➢2020年福建省互联网企业30强 ➢福建省战略新兴产业企业100强 ➢2020年厦门市重点软件与信息技术服务企业 ➢2020年度十佳出海游戏发行商

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